Hiring Advice from A Couple of Professionals

Todd Billiar

Yesterday I talked with a couple of pros about the hiring environment for small IT shops. The good news: According to Todd Billiar from VAR Staffing, there’s about a 1-2% unemployment rate for I.T. Consultants. The bad news: Everyone wants more money – even if they’re not qualified.

This podcast includes interviews with Todd as well as Josh Peterson, one of the great coaches in the IT community.

Todd recently published an article in ChannelPro SMB magazine. That got me thinking about the best interviewing approaches today. I discovered that he’s got all kinds of great information about the trends in our industry today. Here we talk about some of those trends, including the rising cost of technicians as well as the types in highest demand.

Todd’s Billiar Contact Info:

www.varstaffing.com email tbilliar@varstaffing.com Phone 972-847-0566



Next up I talked to Josh Peterson about the recruiting/hiring process. Josh is a firm believer that you should also be talking to people about working for you.

Josh Peterson

Like everything else in business, you should be prepared for the “urgent” situation when you need a new technician. You need to avoid hiring because you’re in a panic. You need to avoid hiring with a single interview, or the the person who walks in the door.

Josh also gives some great advice about making the most of the first day, first week, and 30-60-90 days. Even if you don’t execute that flawlessly, having a plan before you need it will be very helpful.

Finally, Josh talks about the best interview technique for getting the information you need from technicians.

Josh Peterson’s Contact Info:

www.beringmckinley.com Blog: www.jo-sh.comjosh@beringmckinley.com Phone 212-203-1364


A Few Other Resources


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