Episode 32: Blockchain, Masterminding, and Drone Delivery to a Sub

Quick note: Here’s where you can find us on Twitter. Please connect:

https://twitter.com/ryanmorris303 https://twitter.com/djdaveet https://twitter.com/karlpalachuk

Topic 1: Mailbag – Blockchain

Bryan sent us a note asking for our take on Blockchain and BitcoinSV and the creation of the Metanet. (https://nchain.com/en/the-metanet/)

For a little background, of the “split” and related politics, see https://changenow.io/currencies/bitcoin-sv

Overall, we’re much more bullish on blockchain generally than Bitcoin specifically.

Links mentioned:

https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/platform https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/blockchain/ https://aws.amazon.com/managed-blockchain/ https://cloud.google.com/customers/blockchain/ https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/security/blockchain-overview.html

Book: Anarchy, Inc., by Patrick Schwerdtfeger.

YOU can ask us a question at https://killingit.smallbizthoughts.com.

Topic 2: Starting or joining a Mastermind group

We discuss our experiences and give some general advice on joining or starting your own.

Topic 3: Navy submarine resupplied by drone delivery

It’s not a burrito … but it’s getting closer:


See last week’s show as well as several others. Drone delivery is a money making venture – and now is a great time to figure out what your role is.




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